We offer on the day emergency and routine appointments at the surgery. Routine consultations are to be booked by appointment only. As a surgery with only one GP, our clinics are limited to 2 sessions daily, where telephone and face to face slots are available.
All slot times are 10 minutes long and only 1 problem should be discussed at the appointment, if you need longer than 10 minutes please inform reception so a longer slot can be allocated for you. Appointments are for 1 person only, please inform reception if another family member would like to discuss a problem and an additional appointment will be booked. Please understand that slots can run over, we would appreciate your patience when waiting to be seen/called by the doctor.
Non-urgent appointments
Is your problem non-urgent and long standing? Please view our ‘non-urgent’ page for more information on how to book an appointment.
Is your problem urgent (a medical emergency) and needs to be assessed same day? Please view our ‘urgent’ appointment page for more information on how to book an appointment.
Out of hours
If you require professional advice outside of our practice hours, you can contact either call 111 or visit Get help for your symptoms - NHS 111.
For a life threatening emergency you must call 999.
Appointments must be cancelled if you can not attend, you can cancel your appointment by either:
- Call the surgery on 01204 521 061
- You may also text back the word CANCEL to the text message reminder you receive
- Cancel using the app
- Cancel by using this online form here
Patients are sometimes put on a waiting list hoping to be soon quicker than their current appointment time and date, by not cancelling your appointment you will be delaying the care of another patient.
Register for Online Services
Register on the NHS App or Patient Services to gain access to your medications, allergies and access the online booking system where you can book, change and cancel any appointments.
You can gain online access through the below apps: